Riverscape Ecology Lab author symbols: Undergraduate; Graduate; Post-doc; PI
81. Santee, N.S., K.W. Conway, W.H. Nowlin, D. Smith, and J.S. Perkin. In Press. Alterations to water quality and quantity elicit similar stream fish functional trait responses in three North American rivers. Ecological Indicators.
80. Perez Rocha, M., K. Cottenie, K. Clein, L.C. Elkins, R.D. Mangold, W.H. Nowlin, J.S. Pekrin, K. Wright, and A. Schwalb. In Press. Using a nested sampling design across spatial scales to gain insights into distribution patterns of fishes, mussels, and macroinvertebrates in riverine system. Journal of Biogeography. PDF
79. Ellard, J.K., H.C. Roberts, D.J. Daugherty, P. Fleming, M.R. Acre, and J.S. Perkin. In Press. Scale-dependent tradeoffs between habitat and time in explaining Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) movement. Environmental Biology of Fishes. PDF
78. Yancy, L.E., N.S. Santee, E.B. Parker, M.J. Madewell, F.E. Chavez, L.W. Stevens, J.P. Wolff, H. Evans, and J.S. Perkin. 2024. A framework for integrating stream ecosystem theories into spatial modelling of fish richness and assemblage structure. Freshwater Science 43:261-276. PDF
77. Elkins, L.C., M.R. Acre, M.G. Bean, S.M. Robertson, R. Smith, and J.S. Perkin. 2024. A multiscale perspective for improving conservation of Conchos Pupfish. Animal Conservation 27:538-553. PDF
76. Steffensmeier, Z.D., K.B. Mayes, and J.S. Perkin. 2024. Linking short-term movement rate of pelagic-broadcast spawning fishes to river fragment length and conservation status. Biological Conservation 293:110585. PDF
75. Winemiller, K.O., J.S. Perkin, J. Trungale, D. Hoeinghaus, G. Moore, A. Schwalb, Z. Mitchell, A. Trimble, C. Reeves, H. Hardy, and D. Buzan. 2024. Advancing environmental flows science: Hindcasting and forecasting flow-ecology. Fisheries 49:353-368. PDF
74. Blanchard, R.C., S. Young, T.J. DeWitt, and J.S. Perkin. 2024. Predictability and conceptual repeatability of the predator associated burst speed ecophenotype in western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Journal of Fish Biology 104:1276-1289. PDF
73. Shepta, E.G, J.S. Perkin, K. Mayes, M.E. McGarrity, C.M. Schalk & C.G. Montaña. 2024. Live bait industry as a pathway for movement of nonnative and invasive species: Implications for conservation of native Texas fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44:394-406. PDF
80. Perez Rocha, M., K. Cottenie, K. Clein, L.C. Elkins, R.D. Mangold, W.H. Nowlin, J.S. Pekrin, K. Wright, and A. Schwalb. In Press. Using a nested sampling design across spatial scales to gain insights into distribution patterns of fishes, mussels, and macroinvertebrates in riverine system. Journal of Biogeography. PDF
79. Ellard, J.K., H.C. Roberts, D.J. Daugherty, P. Fleming, M.R. Acre, and J.S. Perkin. In Press. Scale-dependent tradeoffs between habitat and time in explaining Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) movement. Environmental Biology of Fishes. PDF
78. Yancy, L.E., N.S. Santee, E.B. Parker, M.J. Madewell, F.E. Chavez, L.W. Stevens, J.P. Wolff, H. Evans, and J.S. Perkin. 2024. A framework for integrating stream ecosystem theories into spatial modelling of fish richness and assemblage structure. Freshwater Science 43:261-276. PDF
77. Elkins, L.C., M.R. Acre, M.G. Bean, S.M. Robertson, R. Smith, and J.S. Perkin. 2024. A multiscale perspective for improving conservation of Conchos Pupfish. Animal Conservation 27:538-553. PDF
76. Steffensmeier, Z.D., K.B. Mayes, and J.S. Perkin. 2024. Linking short-term movement rate of pelagic-broadcast spawning fishes to river fragment length and conservation status. Biological Conservation 293:110585. PDF
75. Winemiller, K.O., J.S. Perkin, J. Trungale, D. Hoeinghaus, G. Moore, A. Schwalb, Z. Mitchell, A. Trimble, C. Reeves, H. Hardy, and D. Buzan. 2024. Advancing environmental flows science: Hindcasting and forecasting flow-ecology. Fisheries 49:353-368. PDF
74. Blanchard, R.C., S. Young, T.J. DeWitt, and J.S. Perkin. 2024. Predictability and conceptual repeatability of the predator associated burst speed ecophenotype in western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Journal of Fish Biology 104:1276-1289. PDF
73. Shepta, E.G, J.S. Perkin, K. Mayes, M.E. McGarrity, C.M. Schalk & C.G. Montaña. 2024. Live bait industry as a pathway for movement of nonnative and invasive species: Implications for conservation of native Texas fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44:394-406. PDF
72. Arend, W.A., R.D. Mangold, C.L. Riggins, C. Groutte, Y. Rodriguez, T.C. Heard, N. Menchaca, J. Williamson, D. McDonald, D. Daugherty, M. McGarrity, K.W. Conway, and J.S. Perkin. 2023. Sexual dimorphism in an invasive population of suckermouth armored catfish: Implications for management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1735:1749. PDF
71. Shepta, E., J.S. Perkin. K.B. Mayes, C.M. Schalk, C.G. Montaña. 2023. The ecological niche of native and invasive fish congeners in Texas streams: Evidence from morphology, stable isotope analysis, and stomach contents analysis. Biological Invasions
25:3993-4008. PDF
70. Vaughn, C.C., K.B. Gido, K.R. Bestgen, J.S. Perkin, and S.P. Platania. 2023. Chapter 7: Southern Plains Rivers. Pages 273-314 In Rivers of North America, Second Edition. Academic Press, Cambridge, MA.
69. Evans, H.A., M.I. Booknis, N.S. Santee, R.D. Mangold, H.C. Roberts, J.P. Wolff, J.K. Ellard, D. Smith, and J.S. Perkin. 2023. Mesohabitat and macroecological correlates for blue sucker (Cycleptus elongatus) occurrence in regulated rivers. River Research and Applications 39:2102-2109. PDF
68. Perkin, J.S., S.K. Brewer, A.A. Echelle, and P.M. Kocovsky. 2023. Avoiding a macabre future for Macrhybopsis - A special section on improving management and conservation of chubs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1145-1150. PDF
67. Perkin, J.S., P.M. Kocovsky, Z.D. Steffensmeier, and K.B. Gido. 2023. Why are larger fish farther upstream? Testing multiple hypotheses using Silver Chub (Macrhybopsis storeriana) in two Midwestern United States riverscapes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1225-1245. PDF
66. Steffensmeier, Z.D., S.K. Brewer, M. Wedgeworth, T.A. Starks, A.W. Rodgers, E. Nguyen, and J.S. Perkin. 2023. Conservation at the nexus of niches: Multidimensional niche modelling to improve management of Prairie Chub (Macrhybopsis australis). North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1205-1224. PDF
65. Nguyen, E., K.B. Mayes, R. Smith, J.F. Trungale, and J.S. Perkin. 2023. The duality of drought: Pelagic- and benthic-spawning stream fishes show opposing responses to drought in the southern Great Plains. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1276-1293. PDF
64. Perkin, J.S., M.R. Acre, J.K. Ellard, A.W. Rodger, J.F. Trungale, K.O. Winemiller, and L.E. Yancy. 2023. Flow-recruitment relationships for Shoal Chub (Macrhybopsis hyostoma) and implications for managing environmental flows. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1260-1275. PDF
63. Roberts, H.C., M.R. Acre, M.P.A. Claus, F.J. Kappen, K.O. Winemiller, D.J. Daugherty, and J.S. Perkin. 2023. Tributary streams provide migratory fish with access to floodplain habitats in a regulated river: Evidence from Alligator gar, Atractosteus spatula. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80:393-407. PDF
71. Shepta, E., J.S. Perkin. K.B. Mayes, C.M. Schalk, C.G. Montaña. 2023. The ecological niche of native and invasive fish congeners in Texas streams: Evidence from morphology, stable isotope analysis, and stomach contents analysis. Biological Invasions
25:3993-4008. PDF
70. Vaughn, C.C., K.B. Gido, K.R. Bestgen, J.S. Perkin, and S.P. Platania. 2023. Chapter 7: Southern Plains Rivers. Pages 273-314 In Rivers of North America, Second Edition. Academic Press, Cambridge, MA.
69. Evans, H.A., M.I. Booknis, N.S. Santee, R.D. Mangold, H.C. Roberts, J.P. Wolff, J.K. Ellard, D. Smith, and J.S. Perkin. 2023. Mesohabitat and macroecological correlates for blue sucker (Cycleptus elongatus) occurrence in regulated rivers. River Research and Applications 39:2102-2109. PDF
68. Perkin, J.S., S.K. Brewer, A.A. Echelle, and P.M. Kocovsky. 2023. Avoiding a macabre future for Macrhybopsis - A special section on improving management and conservation of chubs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1145-1150. PDF
67. Perkin, J.S., P.M. Kocovsky, Z.D. Steffensmeier, and K.B. Gido. 2023. Why are larger fish farther upstream? Testing multiple hypotheses using Silver Chub (Macrhybopsis storeriana) in two Midwestern United States riverscapes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1225-1245. PDF
66. Steffensmeier, Z.D., S.K. Brewer, M. Wedgeworth, T.A. Starks, A.W. Rodgers, E. Nguyen, and J.S. Perkin. 2023. Conservation at the nexus of niches: Multidimensional niche modelling to improve management of Prairie Chub (Macrhybopsis australis). North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1205-1224. PDF
65. Nguyen, E., K.B. Mayes, R. Smith, J.F. Trungale, and J.S. Perkin. 2023. The duality of drought: Pelagic- and benthic-spawning stream fishes show opposing responses to drought in the southern Great Plains. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1276-1293. PDF
64. Perkin, J.S., M.R. Acre, J.K. Ellard, A.W. Rodger, J.F. Trungale, K.O. Winemiller, and L.E. Yancy. 2023. Flow-recruitment relationships for Shoal Chub (Macrhybopsis hyostoma) and implications for managing environmental flows. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1260-1275. PDF
63. Roberts, H.C., M.R. Acre, M.P.A. Claus, F.J. Kappen, K.O. Winemiller, D.J. Daugherty, and J.S. Perkin. 2023. Tributary streams provide migratory fish with access to floodplain habitats in a regulated river: Evidence from Alligator gar, Atractosteus spatula. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80:393-407. PDF
62. Troia, M.J, and J.S. Perkin. 2022. Can fisheries bioenergetics modelling refine spatially explicit assessments of climate change vulnerability? Conservation Physiology 10(1):coac035 PDF
61. Hay, A., C. Riggins, T.C. Heard, C. Garoutte, Y. Rodriguez, F. Fillipone, K. Smith, N. Menchaca, J. Williamson, and J.S. Perkin. 2022. Movement and mortality of invasive suckermouth armored catfish during a spearfishing control experiment. Biological Invasions 24:3119-3131. PDF
60. Best, A., J.S. Perkin, A.K. Pinion, H. Binkley, and K.W. Conway. 2022. First record of the Gangetic Swamp Eel, Ophichthys cuchia (Hamilton, 1822)(Teleostei: Synbranchidae), from Texas (USA) based on museum vouchered material, and confirmation of a second established non-native population in the USA. Check List 18:475-482. PDF
59. Perkin, J.S., C.G. Montaña, E.J. Nogueira, B.B. Brandão, G.M.T. Mattox, and K.W. Conway. 2022. Estimated richness and environmental correlates of miniature fish assemblages in the Rio Jacundá, Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology 20(2):e210051 PDF
58. Steffensmeier, Z.D., M. Wedgeworth, L.E. Yancy, N.S. Santee, S.K. Brewer, and J.S. Perkin. 2022. Paradigm versus paradox on the prairie: Testing competing stream fish movement frameworks using an imperiled Great Plains minnow. Movement Ecology 10:8 PDF
57. Malone, E.W., J.S. Perkin, W.K. Gibbs, M. Padgett, M.A. Kulp, and S. Moore. 2022. High and dry in days gone by: Life history theory predicts Appalachian mountain stream fish assemblage transformation during historical drought. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31:29-44. PDF
61. Hay, A., C. Riggins, T.C. Heard, C. Garoutte, Y. Rodriguez, F. Fillipone, K. Smith, N. Menchaca, J. Williamson, and J.S. Perkin. 2022. Movement and mortality of invasive suckermouth armored catfish during a spearfishing control experiment. Biological Invasions 24:3119-3131. PDF
60. Best, A., J.S. Perkin, A.K. Pinion, H. Binkley, and K.W. Conway. 2022. First record of the Gangetic Swamp Eel, Ophichthys cuchia (Hamilton, 1822)(Teleostei: Synbranchidae), from Texas (USA) based on museum vouchered material, and confirmation of a second established non-native population in the USA. Check List 18:475-482. PDF
59. Perkin, J.S., C.G. Montaña, E.J. Nogueira, B.B. Brandão, G.M.T. Mattox, and K.W. Conway. 2022. Estimated richness and environmental correlates of miniature fish assemblages in the Rio Jacundá, Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology 20(2):e210051 PDF
58. Steffensmeier, Z.D., M. Wedgeworth, L.E. Yancy, N.S. Santee, S.K. Brewer, and J.S. Perkin. 2022. Paradigm versus paradox on the prairie: Testing competing stream fish movement frameworks using an imperiled Great Plains minnow. Movement Ecology 10:8 PDF
57. Malone, E.W., J.S. Perkin, W.K. Gibbs, M. Padgett, M.A. Kulp, and S. Moore. 2022. High and dry in days gone by: Life history theory predicts Appalachian mountain stream fish assemblage transformation during historical drought. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31:29-44. PDF
56. Perkin, J.S., M.J. Trioa, M.R. Acre. 2021. Conservation status of native fishes in the Chihuahuan Desert region of the United States: A spatial perspective. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council Special Publication 2021:77-101. PDF
55. Mollenhauer, R., S.K. Brewer, J.S. Perkin, D. Swedberg, M. Wedgeworth, and Z.D. Steffensmeier. 2021. Connectivity and flow regime direct conservation priorities for pelagophil fishes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(11):3215-3227. PDF
54. Nguyen, E., J.S. Perkin, R. Smith, K.B. Mayes, J. Trungale. 2021. Characteristics of the natural flow regime paradigm explain occurrence of imperiled Great Plains fishes. Ecosphere 12(9):e03669. PDF
53. Godwin, C.D., D.M. Walker, A.S. Romer, A. Gragal-Puche, M. Grisik, J.M. Goessling, J.S. Perkin, and C.M. Murray. 2021. Testing the febrile response of snakes inoculated with Ophidiomyces ophidiicola, the causative agent of snake fungal disease. Journal of Thermal Biology 100: 103065. PDF
52. Perkin, J.S., I.F. Papraniku, W. .K. Gibbs, D.J. Hoeinghaus, D.M. Walker. 2021. Temporal trajectories in metacommunity structure: Insights from interdisciplinary research in intermittent streams. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 8(4):e1531. PDF
51. Parker, S. D., J.S. Perkin, M.G. Bean, D. Lutz-Carrillo, M.R. Acre. 2021. Temporal distribution modelling reveals upstream habitat drying and downstream non-native introgression are squeezing out an imperiled headwater fish. Diversity and Distributions 27(3):533-551. PDF
50. Acre, M.R., J.S. Perkin, M.G. Bean. 2021. Multiple survey methods reveal greater abundance of endangered pupfish in restored habitats. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(1):198-209. PDF
55. Mollenhauer, R., S.K. Brewer, J.S. Perkin, D. Swedberg, M. Wedgeworth, and Z.D. Steffensmeier. 2021. Connectivity and flow regime direct conservation priorities for pelagophil fishes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(11):3215-3227. PDF
54. Nguyen, E., J.S. Perkin, R. Smith, K.B. Mayes, J. Trungale. 2021. Characteristics of the natural flow regime paradigm explain occurrence of imperiled Great Plains fishes. Ecosphere 12(9):e03669. PDF
53. Godwin, C.D., D.M. Walker, A.S. Romer, A. Gragal-Puche, M. Grisik, J.M. Goessling, J.S. Perkin, and C.M. Murray. 2021. Testing the febrile response of snakes inoculated with Ophidiomyces ophidiicola, the causative agent of snake fungal disease. Journal of Thermal Biology 100: 103065. PDF
52. Perkin, J.S., I.F. Papraniku, W. .K. Gibbs, D.J. Hoeinghaus, D.M. Walker. 2021. Temporal trajectories in metacommunity structure: Insights from interdisciplinary research in intermittent streams. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 8(4):e1531. PDF
51. Parker, S. D., J.S. Perkin, M.G. Bean, D. Lutz-Carrillo, M.R. Acre. 2021. Temporal distribution modelling reveals upstream habitat drying and downstream non-native introgression are squeezing out an imperiled headwater fish. Diversity and Distributions 27(3):533-551. PDF
50. Acre, M.R., J.S. Perkin, M.G. Bean. 2021. Multiple survey methods reveal greater abundance of endangered pupfish in restored habitats. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31(1):198-209. PDF
49. Santee, N.S., L.E. Yancy, Z.D. Steffensmeier, and J.S. Perkin. 2020. Testing restricted movement of plains killifish (Fundulus zebrinus). Southwestern Naturalist 65:271-275. PDF
48. Perkin, J.S., M.R. Acre, J. Graham, K. Hoenke. 2020. An integrative conservation planning framework for aquatic landscapes fragmented by road-stream crossings. Landscape and Urban Planning 202:103860. PDF
47. Blanton, C.S., J.S. Perkin, N. Menchaca, and K.A. Kollaus. 2020. A gap in the armor: Spearfishing reduces biomass of invasive suckermouth armored catfish. Fisheries 45:293-302. PDF
48. Perkin, J.S., M.R. Acre, J. Graham, K. Hoenke. 2020. An integrative conservation planning framework for aquatic landscapes fragmented by road-stream crossings. Landscape and Urban Planning 202:103860. PDF
47. Blanton, C.S., J.S. Perkin, N. Menchaca, and K.A. Kollaus. 2020. A gap in the armor: Spearfishing reduces biomass of invasive suckermouth armored catfish. Fisheries 45:293-302. PDF
46. Perkin, J.S., K.W. Gibbs, J. Ridgway, S.B. Cook. 2019. Riverscape correlates for distribution of threatened spotfin chub (Erimonax monachus) in the Tennessee River Basin, USA. Endangered Species Research 40:91-105. PDF
45. Perkin, J.S., T.A. Starks, C.A. Pennock, K.B. Gido, G.W. Hopper, and S.C. Hedden. 2019. Extreme drought causes fish recruitment failure in a fragmented Great Plains riverscape. Ecohydrology 12:e2120. PDF
44. George, S.D., A.K. Pinion, K.W. Conway, T.C. Heard, and J.S. Perkin. 2019. Observations on habitat use of age-0 Rio Grande blue sucker (Cycleptus sp. cf. elongatus). Western North American Naturalist 79:463-469. PDF
43. Labay, B.J., J.S. Perkin, D.A. Hendrickson, A.R. Cooper, G.P. Garrett, and T.W. Birdsong. 2019. Who's Asking?: Inter-jurisdictional conservation assessment and planning for Great Plains fishes. Pages 57-83 in Multispecies & Watershed Approaches to Freshwater Fish Conservation. American Fisheries Society Symposium 91. PDF
42. Perkin, J.S., J.C. Wellemeyer, and J.D. Fore. 2019. Multiscale fish assemblage distribution models to guide riverscape conservation planning. Pages 409-440 in Advanced in Understanding Landscape Influences on Freshwater Habitats and Biological Assemblages. American Fisheries Society Symposium 90. PDF
41. Perkin, J.S., S.P. Murphy, C.M. Murray, W.K. Gibbs, and A.E. Gebhard. 2019. If you build it, they will go: A case study of stream fish diversity loss in an urbanizing riverscape. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:623-638. PDF
40. McManamay, R.A., J.S. Perkin, and H. Jager. 2019. Commonalities in stream connectivity restoration alternatives: An attempt to simplify barrier removal optimization. Ecosphere 10(2):1-25. PDF
39. Wellemeyer, J.C., J.S. Perkin, M.L. Jameson, K.H. Costigan, and R. Waters. 2019. Hierarchy theory reveals multiscale predictors of Arkansas Darter (Etheostoma cragini) abundance in a Great Plains riverscape. Freshwater Biology 64:659-670. PDF
45. Perkin, J.S., T.A. Starks, C.A. Pennock, K.B. Gido, G.W. Hopper, and S.C. Hedden. 2019. Extreme drought causes fish recruitment failure in a fragmented Great Plains riverscape. Ecohydrology 12:e2120. PDF
44. George, S.D., A.K. Pinion, K.W. Conway, T.C. Heard, and J.S. Perkin. 2019. Observations on habitat use of age-0 Rio Grande blue sucker (Cycleptus sp. cf. elongatus). Western North American Naturalist 79:463-469. PDF
43. Labay, B.J., J.S. Perkin, D.A. Hendrickson, A.R. Cooper, G.P. Garrett, and T.W. Birdsong. 2019. Who's Asking?: Inter-jurisdictional conservation assessment and planning for Great Plains fishes. Pages 57-83 in Multispecies & Watershed Approaches to Freshwater Fish Conservation. American Fisheries Society Symposium 91. PDF
42. Perkin, J.S., J.C. Wellemeyer, and J.D. Fore. 2019. Multiscale fish assemblage distribution models to guide riverscape conservation planning. Pages 409-440 in Advanced in Understanding Landscape Influences on Freshwater Habitats and Biological Assemblages. American Fisheries Society Symposium 90. PDF
41. Perkin, J.S., S.P. Murphy, C.M. Murray, W.K. Gibbs, and A.E. Gebhard. 2019. If you build it, they will go: A case study of stream fish diversity loss in an urbanizing riverscape. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:623-638. PDF
40. McManamay, R.A., J.S. Perkin, and H. Jager. 2019. Commonalities in stream connectivity restoration alternatives: An attempt to simplify barrier removal optimization. Ecosphere 10(2):1-25. PDF
39. Wellemeyer, J.C., J.S. Perkin, M.L. Jameson, K.H. Costigan, and R. Waters. 2019. Hierarchy theory reveals multiscale predictors of Arkansas Darter (Etheostoma cragini) abundance in a Great Plains riverscape. Freshwater Biology 64:659-670. PDF
38. Pinion, A.K., S.D. George, J.S. Perkin, and K.W. Conway. 2018. First record of the Conchos Shiner Cyprinella panarcys (Hubbs & Miller, 1978) from the USA (Teleostei, Cyprinidae). Check List 14:1123-1129. PDF
37. Curtis, W.J., A.E. Gebhard, and J.S. Perkin. 2018. The river continuum concept predicts prey assemblage structure for an insectivorous fish along a temperate riverscape. Freshwater Science 37:618-630. PDF
36. Merchant, M., S. Savage, A. Cooper, M. Slaughter, J.S. Perkin, and C.M. Murray. 2018. Nest attendance patterns in the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Copeia 106:421-426. PDF
35. Malone, E.W., J.S. Perkin, B.M. Leckie, M.A. Kulp, C.R. Hurt, and D.M. Walker. 2018. Which species, how many, and from where: Integrating habitat suitability, population genomics, and abundance estimates into species reintroduction planning. Global Change Biology 24:3729:3748. PDF
34. Wellemeyer, J.C., J.S. Perkin, J.D. Fore, C. Boyd. 2018. Comparing assembly processes for multimetric indices of biotic integrity. Ecological Indicators 89:590-609. PDF
33. Perkin, J.S. 2018. Synthesizing stream fish community dynamics in the southern Great Plains and beyond. Ecology 99:763-764 PDF
32. Worthington, T.A., A.A. Echelle, J.S. Perkin, R. Mollenhauer, N. Farless, J.J. Dyer, D. Logue, and S.K. Brewer. 2018. The emblmatic minnows of the North American Great Plains: A synthesis of threats and conservation opportunities. Fish and Fisheries 19:271-307. PDF
37. Curtis, W.J., A.E. Gebhard, and J.S. Perkin. 2018. The river continuum concept predicts prey assemblage structure for an insectivorous fish along a temperate riverscape. Freshwater Science 37:618-630. PDF
36. Merchant, M., S. Savage, A. Cooper, M. Slaughter, J.S. Perkin, and C.M. Murray. 2018. Nest attendance patterns in the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Copeia 106:421-426. PDF
35. Malone, E.W., J.S. Perkin, B.M. Leckie, M.A. Kulp, C.R. Hurt, and D.M. Walker. 2018. Which species, how many, and from where: Integrating habitat suitability, population genomics, and abundance estimates into species reintroduction planning. Global Change Biology 24:3729:3748. PDF
34. Wellemeyer, J.C., J.S. Perkin, J.D. Fore, C. Boyd. 2018. Comparing assembly processes for multimetric indices of biotic integrity. Ecological Indicators 89:590-609. PDF
33. Perkin, J.S. 2018. Synthesizing stream fish community dynamics in the southern Great Plains and beyond. Ecology 99:763-764 PDF
32. Worthington, T.A., A.A. Echelle, J.S. Perkin, R. Mollenhauer, N. Farless, J.J. Dyer, D. Logue, and S.K. Brewer. 2018. The emblmatic minnows of the North American Great Plains: A synthesis of threats and conservation opportunities. Fish and Fisheries 19:271-307. PDF
31. Perkin, J.S., K.B. Gido, J. Falke, K. Fausch, H. Crockett, E. Johnson, and J. Sanderson. 2017. Groundwater declines are linked to changes in Great Plains stream fish assemblages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114:7373-7378. PDF
30. Krosnick, S.E., J.S. Perkin, T.S. Shroeder, L.G. Campbell, E.B. Jackson, S.C. Maynord, C.G. Waters, and J.S. Mitchell. 2017. New insights into floral morph variation in Passiflora incarnata L. (Passifloraceae) in Tennessee, U.S.A. Flora 236-237:115-125. PDF
29. Gebhard, A.E., and J.S. Perkin. 2017. Assessing riverscape-scale variation in fish life history using Banded Sculpin (Cottus carolinae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 100:1397-1410. PDF
28. Gebhard, A.E., R.T.R. Paine, L.A. Hix, T.C. Johnson, W.G. Wells, H.N. Ferrell, and J.S. Perkin. 2017. Testing cross-system transferability of fish habitat associations using Cottus carolinae (Banded Sculpin). Southeastern Naturalist 16:70-86. PDF
27. Wells, W.G., T.C. Johnson, A.E. Gebhard, R.T.R. Paine, L.A. Hix, H.N. Ferrell, A.N. Engle, and J.S. Perkin. 2017. March of the sculpin: measuring and predicting short-term movement of Banded Sculpin Cottus carolinae. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:280-291. PDF
26. Perkin, J.S., N.E. Knorp, T.C. Boersig, A.E. Gebhard, L.A. Hix, and T.C. Johnson. 2017. Life history theory predicts long-term fish assemblage response to stream impoundment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74:228-239. PDF
25. Pennock, C.A., K.B. Gido, J.S. Perkin, V.D. Weaver, S.R. Davenport, and J.M. Caldwell. 2017. Collapsing Range of an Endemic Great Plains Minnow, Peppered Chub Macrhybopsis tetranema. American Midland Naturalist 177:57-68. PDF
30. Krosnick, S.E., J.S. Perkin, T.S. Shroeder, L.G. Campbell, E.B. Jackson, S.C. Maynord, C.G. Waters, and J.S. Mitchell. 2017. New insights into floral morph variation in Passiflora incarnata L. (Passifloraceae) in Tennessee, U.S.A. Flora 236-237:115-125. PDF
29. Gebhard, A.E., and J.S. Perkin. 2017. Assessing riverscape-scale variation in fish life history using Banded Sculpin (Cottus carolinae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 100:1397-1410. PDF
28. Gebhard, A.E., R.T.R. Paine, L.A. Hix, T.C. Johnson, W.G. Wells, H.N. Ferrell, and J.S. Perkin. 2017. Testing cross-system transferability of fish habitat associations using Cottus carolinae (Banded Sculpin). Southeastern Naturalist 16:70-86. PDF
27. Wells, W.G., T.C. Johnson, A.E. Gebhard, R.T.R. Paine, L.A. Hix, H.N. Ferrell, A.N. Engle, and J.S. Perkin. 2017. March of the sculpin: measuring and predicting short-term movement of Banded Sculpin Cottus carolinae. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:280-291. PDF
26. Perkin, J.S., N.E. Knorp, T.C. Boersig, A.E. Gebhard, L.A. Hix, and T.C. Johnson. 2017. Life history theory predicts long-term fish assemblage response to stream impoundment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74:228-239. PDF
25. Pennock, C.A., K.B. Gido, J.S. Perkin, V.D. Weaver, S.R. Davenport, and J.M. Caldwell. 2017. Collapsing Range of an Endemic Great Plains Minnow, Peppered Chub Macrhybopsis tetranema. American Midland Naturalist 177:57-68. PDF
24. Gido, K.B., J.E. Whitney, J.S. Perkin, and T.F. Turner. 2016. Fragmentation, connectivity, and species persistence in freshwater ecosystems. Pages 292-323 In G. Closs, M. Krkosek, and J. Olden (editors). Conservation of Freshwater Fishes. Cambridge University Press. PDF
23. Wellemeyer, J.C., C. Harty, and J.S. Perkin. 2016. Occurrence of Lepomis miniatus (Redspotted Sunfish) in the Cumberland River Basin of Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist 15:N33-N36. PDF
22. Perkin, J.S., M.J. Troia, D.C.R. Shaw, J.E. Gerken, and K.B. Gido. 2016. Multiple watershed alterations influence fish community structure in Great Plains prairie streams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25:141-155. PDF
21. Perkin, J.S., and T.H. Bonner. 2016. Historical changes in fish assemblage composition following water quality improvement in the mainstem Trinity River of Texas. River Research and Applications 32:85-99. PDF
20. Costigan, K.H., C.M. Ruffing, J.S. Perkin, M.D. Daniels. 2016. Rapid response of a sand-dominated river to installation and removal of a temporary run-of-the-river dam. River Research and Applications 32:110-124. PDF
23. Wellemeyer, J.C., C. Harty, and J.S. Perkin. 2016. Occurrence of Lepomis miniatus (Redspotted Sunfish) in the Cumberland River Basin of Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist 15:N33-N36. PDF
22. Perkin, J.S., M.J. Troia, D.C.R. Shaw, J.E. Gerken, and K.B. Gido. 2016. Multiple watershed alterations influence fish community structure in Great Plains prairie streams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25:141-155. PDF
21. Perkin, J.S., and T.H. Bonner. 2016. Historical changes in fish assemblage composition following water quality improvement in the mainstem Trinity River of Texas. River Research and Applications 32:85-99. PDF
20. Costigan, K.H., C.M. Ruffing, J.S. Perkin, M.D. Daniels. 2016. Rapid response of a sand-dominated river to installation and removal of a temporary run-of-the-river dam. River Research and Applications 32:110-124. PDF
19. Perkin, J.S., K.B. Gido, K.H. Costigan, M.D. Daniels, and E.R. Johnson. 2015. Fragmentation and drying ratchet down Great Plains fish diversity. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 25:639-655. PDF
18. Curtis, S.G., J.S. Perkin, P.T. Bean, M.L. Sullivan, and T.H. Bonner. 2015. Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii (Vaillant & Bocourt, 1874). American Fisheries Society Symposium 82:55-60. PDF
17. Perkin, J.S., K.B. Gido, A.R. Cooper, T.F. Turner, M.J. Osborne, E.R. Johnson, and K.B. Mayes. 2015. Fragmentation and dewatering transform Great Plains stream fish communities. Ecological Monographs 85:73-92. PDF
18. Curtis, S.G., J.S. Perkin, P.T. Bean, M.L. Sullivan, and T.H. Bonner. 2015. Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii (Vaillant & Bocourt, 1874). American Fisheries Society Symposium 82:55-60. PDF
17. Perkin, J.S., K.B. Gido, A.R. Cooper, T.F. Turner, M.J. Osborne, E.R. Johnson, and K.B. Mayes. 2015. Fragmentation and dewatering transform Great Plains stream fish communities. Ecological Monographs 85:73-92. PDF
16. Osborne, M.J., J.S. Perkin, K.B. Gido, and T.F. Turner. 2014. Comparative riverscape genetics reveals reservoirs of genetic diversity for conservation and restoration of Great Plains fishes. Molecular Ecology 23:5663-5679. PDF
15. Eberle, M.E., D.R. Edds, J.S. Perkin, and J. Tiemann. 2014. Kansas Stream and Native Species Conservation. Pages 9-16 in Kansas Fishes, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence.
14. Perkin, J.S. 2014. Peppered Chub Macrhybopsis tetranema (Pages 181-183), Shoal Chub Macrhybopsis hyostoma (Pages 189-191), and Prairie Chub Macrhybopsis australis (Page 443) in Kansas Fishes, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence.
13. Costigan, K.H., M.D. Daniels, J.S. Perkin, and K.B. Gido. 2014. Longitudinal variability in hydraulic geometry and substrate characteristics of a Great Plains sand-bed river. Geomorphology 210:48-58. PDF
15. Eberle, M.E., D.R. Edds, J.S. Perkin, and J. Tiemann. 2014. Kansas Stream and Native Species Conservation. Pages 9-16 in Kansas Fishes, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence.
14. Perkin, J.S. 2014. Peppered Chub Macrhybopsis tetranema (Pages 181-183), Shoal Chub Macrhybopsis hyostoma (Pages 189-191), and Prairie Chub Macrhybopsis australis (Page 443) in Kansas Fishes, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence.
13. Costigan, K.H., M.D. Daniels, J.S. Perkin, and K.B. Gido. 2014. Longitudinal variability in hydraulic geometry and substrate characteristics of a Great Plains sand-bed river. Geomorphology 210:48-58. PDF
12. Alexander, A. M., and J. S. Perkin. 2013. Notes on the distribution and feeding ecology of a relict population of the cardinal shiner, Luxilus cardinalis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), in Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 116:11-21. PDF
11. Perkin, J. S., Z. R. Shattuck, J. E. Gerken, and T. H. Bonner. 2013. Fragmentation and drought legacy correlate with Burrhead Chub distribution in subtropical streams of North America. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1287-1298. PDF
10. Dodds, W. K., J.S. Perkin, and J.E. Gerken. 2013. Human impact on freshwater ecosystem services: a global perspective. Environmental Science and Technology 47:9061-9068. PDF
9. Perkin, J. S., K. B. Gido, O. Al-Ta’ani, and C. Scoglio. 2013. Simulating fish dispersal in stream networks fragmented by multiple road crossings. Ecological Modelling 257:44-56. PDF
11. Perkin, J. S., Z. R. Shattuck, J. E. Gerken, and T. H. Bonner. 2013. Fragmentation and drought legacy correlate with Burrhead Chub distribution in subtropical streams of North America. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1287-1298. PDF
10. Dodds, W. K., J.S. Perkin, and J.E. Gerken. 2013. Human impact on freshwater ecosystem services: a global perspective. Environmental Science and Technology 47:9061-9068. PDF
9. Perkin, J. S., K. B. Gido, O. Al-Ta’ani, and C. Scoglio. 2013. Simulating fish dispersal in stream networks fragmented by multiple road crossings. Ecological Modelling 257:44-56. PDF
8. Perkin, J. S., and K. B. Gido. 2012. Fragmentation alters stream fish community structure in dendritic ecological networks. Ecological Applications 22:2176-2187. PDF
7. Perkin, J. S., Z. R. Shattuck, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Reproductive ecology of a relict ironcolor shiner (Notropis chalybaeus) population in the headwaters of the San Marcos River, Texas. American Currents 37(2):13-23. PDF
6. Heard, T. C., J. S. Perkin, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Intra-annual variation in fish communities and habitat associations in a Chihuahua Desert reach of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo del Norte. Western North American Naturalist 72:1-15. PDF
5. Perkin, J. S., Z. R. Shattuck, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Life history aspects of a relict ironcolor shiner Notropis chalybaeus population in a novel spring environment. American Midland Naturalist 167:111-126. PDF
7. Perkin, J. S., Z. R. Shattuck, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Reproductive ecology of a relict ironcolor shiner (Notropis chalybaeus) population in the headwaters of the San Marcos River, Texas. American Currents 37(2):13-23. PDF
6. Heard, T. C., J. S. Perkin, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Intra-annual variation in fish communities and habitat associations in a Chihuahua Desert reach of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo del Norte. Western North American Naturalist 72:1-15. PDF
5. Perkin, J. S., Z. R. Shattuck, and T. H. Bonner. 2012. Life history aspects of a relict ironcolor shiner Notropis chalybaeus population in a novel spring environment. American Midland Naturalist 167:111-126. PDF
4. Perkin, J. S., and K. B. Gido. 2011. Stream fragmentation thresholds for a reproductive guild of Great Plains fishes. Fisheries 36:371-383. PDF
3. Perkin, J. S., and T. H. Bonner. 2011. Long-term changes in flow regime and fish assemblage composition in the Guadalupe and San Marcos rivers of Texas. River Research and Applications 27:566-579. PDF
3. Perkin, J. S., and T. H. Bonner. 2011. Long-term changes in flow regime and fish assemblage composition in the Guadalupe and San Marcos rivers of Texas. River Research and Applications 27:566-579. PDF
2. Perkin, J. S., Z. R. Shattuck, P. T. Bean, T. H. Bonner, E. Saraeva, and T. B. Hardy. 2010. Movement and microhabitat associations of Guadalupe bass in two Texas Rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:31-45. PDF
1. Perkin, J. S., C. S. Williams, and T. H. Bonner. 2009. Aspects of chub shiner Notropis potteri life history with comments on native distribution and conservation status. American Midland Naturalist 162:279-291. PDF